Aluminium Windows

Here at Express Trade Frames (ETF) we have been supplying and fabricating windows and doors across the North West since 1999.

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Aluminium Windows

As a homeowner, maintaining your windows is important as they help to keep the elements out. Over time they will become worn and need replacing, however uPVC and timber are not the only options available on the market. Offering a slimline solution, aluminium frames can create a stylish yet practical solution for many properties.

If you would like further details, please do not hesitate to call today on 01253 777 145.

Why Consider These?

Whether you own a contemporary building or a unique period property, this type of window can be perfect. As well as having several benefits, you can personalise the frame to suit styles and tastes. There are several frame depths available and they can be fitted to various different surrounds.

Furthermore, there are several other benefits to consider, including:

  • 100% Recyclable
  • Resilient to Corrosion, Flexing and Warping
  • Thermal Efficiency
  • Versatile and Durable
  • Lightweight
  • Low Maintenance
  • Long Lasting and Affordable

To add to this, there are a number of different finishes available for you to choose. These include RAL colours as well as metallic.

Energy Efficiency

One of the major selling points of aluminium windows is that they are 100% recyclable. On top of this, they are also non-toxic, making them a fully sustainable option for many homeowners. If you do ever decide to remove or replace these windows, then they are easy to recycle.

Despite previous beliefs, aluminium is actually a thermally efficient material. Modern frames are made from a high-performance metal and in some cases are more efficient than timber alternatives.

Get in Touch

To arrange for aluminium windows supply in Fleetwood or the surrounding Lancashire and Fylde area, do not hesitate to call us on 01253 777 145.
